What is the distance from Benaulim to Mopa airport by car?
The distance from Benaulim To Mopa airport by car is 68 km. |
Mopa Airport to Benaulim distnce : 68 km Estimated travel time : 1.5 hours Benaulim to Mopa airport is a very popular route for tourists and nature lovers. Benaulim is one of the seaside resort towns known for it's beautiful rice fields, balmy weather, and golden sand beaches. Surprisingly, Benaulim Beach is unique from the other beaches in North Goa. It's far more tranquil than others and is surrounded by many activities to guarantee you a pleasant day. It is only bustling in the evenings when people come to see the beautiful sunset. What distinguishes Benaulim Beach from other Goa beaches is that, although less popular, it offers a variety of water sports. Local fishermen visit Benaulim Beach, and it's fascinating to observe how they conduct their work. Another thing that makes the town famous is its traditional carpenters which makes Benaulim known as Goa's 'village of carpenters. |
Tourist Attractions
Fortune Resort Benaulim Goa
Trinity Beach
Benaulim Beach
Varca Beach
Sernabatim Beach
San Thome Museum
St Sebastian's Chapel
Goa Chitra Museum
Our Lady of Enfermos Chapel